Wind Orchestra Festival 2013

Its been a long time I didn't update my post. So, today. I come again to update about Wind Orchestra Festival 2013 in UUM. Well, I went there. Tapi I tkpergi tengok pun yg SMSAH punya. I tengok yag session 3. Its super duper awesome. The performance from SSP, TKC, SDAR, SSAS, St. GEORGE, MCKK. But then, SMSAH manage to go FINAL! Its F.I.N.A.L! They are awesome with the songs Perseus and Overture Melayu. nd glad to say I love to see SMSAH conductor conduct. Hes cute much. 
So now, lets the picture talk. 

So, this year. SMSAH be the tuan rumah. nd we all boleh balik. :)

Why? Why? Why? Why I am the pendek one? But still cute. Awww <3

Like Fatini said, this picture is cantik. I do like this picture tooo. This is in his father's office. We stayed there 
before the session 3 started. :)

Well again. This is me and Fatini. Saja laa kan? :D

So, tu ja la kot nak bagitau kat you guys. 
and lastly.
SMSAH WIND ORCHESTRA, Congratulation! Im proud of you. ALHAMDULILLAH.
Goodluck in final. We'll always support you guys. :)

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